Friday, August 04, 2006

Am I weird?

So, it's about 9:10 pm on a Friday night and I am still in my lab working on cleaning one of my radical reactions that contains hexabutyl-ditin (nasty stuff-so I have heard). I really enjoy working in a lab setting and on reactions. Although I probably could just leave it until either tomorrow or Monday, I choose not to. Now some of you might think that my 'boring' Friday night was a product of my lack of social skills, you would be wrong. I know I am a sociable person, and do have friends, BUT I really prefer to be by my solitude with a reaction or two going. I enjoy the company of hazardeous chemicals more than people... do I really? I really think I do, and it really bothers me.

Not too long ago I was dating this girl, who was really nice and many people would consider her quit a catch. For me, I really would rather watch my reaction refluxing in toluene than going to see a movie with her or doing some other couplely activities. She tried to accomodate my obsession a few times by hanging out in my lab, and honestly I did enjoy my time with both her and my chemicals ( I don't think it was a nice time for her, even though she did not show). There is even one when we were getting busy in the sac (you know what I mean), all I could think about were my precious Pd-catalysed amination reactions and how wonderfully it worked. I was paying no attention to what I was doing, it stills bothers me. Am I "Chemosexual"?

I don't think I have always been this way, in fact, 3-4 years ago when I was still in college, I was every bit a frat boy as frat boy would be (my college in Canada outlawed frat houses). I was on the school rugby team and partied almost 5 nights a week. I was rather permiscuous and non-studious at all. How the hell did I become the me today, I really don't know. My best explanation was, back then I was not working in a lab so I was not seduced by the hazardeous chemicals. Was that a good enough explanation to my behaviour today or merely an excuse for a more deep-seeded psychological problem. The good thing is I am fully aware of this odd behaviour and I am getting some work done, but seriously, at the end of the day I really would rather it be this way than being sociable out there. Very strange indeed...


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